
All About Disinfection

In this section we focus on articles regarding methods of Disinfection related to COVID as well as Mold. We also focus on assessing Disinfection success. 

Disinfection is killing of microorganisms. Contrast with Cleaning which is removing microorganisms [for both air and surfaces.] Topics include: Disinfection methods/procedures & disinfection products/technologies.

The focus is on green, chemical-free disinfection in residential and commercial facilities (non-health care settings). Also see discussion of Disinfection under CIRI.

General Disinfection
Article Catalogue

Moving Forward with ATP Testing for Cleanliness Monitoring and Hygiene Standard Setting

Article states: “The findings from the group of studies within my PhD showed both the strengths and weaknesses of ATP testing for cleanliness monitoring”. Whitely looks at strengths and weakness of ATP testing for cleanliness. ATP testing is a tool for measurement of surface cleanliness. Not disinfecting. It cannot distinguish between viable or dead microbial growth. It is not used for testing the air.